Direct Hire
Find the right person for your team, right away.
We help you identify full-time professionals to fill specific workforce requirements. Whether you are looking for a specific capability or striving to shift your FTE-to-contractor ratio and need to hire scores of resources, Smart Synergies can support you.
Your Team. Your Company. Your Brand.
Our Direct Hire team operates as a seamless extension of your HR team. We invest the time to learn about your company’s unique business challenges, strategy, and culture. We help you to position and sell your company as an employer of choice. And we guarantee the fit and function of each direct hire that we facilitate. Work with us to:
- Save time and accelerate your direct hiring process
- Leverage our national reach and deep, granular knowledge of regional talent markets
- Minimize search and recruiting costs
- Mitigate common hiring risks
- Scale up as your workforce strategy evolves over time

Finding the talent that can complete your project and fit in with your team on a short-term basis is tedious and expensive. Luckily, it’s our niche.

Executive and C-suite positions offer great overall impact on an organization’s success. At Smart Synergies, we offer a specialized Executive Search team to broker this important fit.

We can build project teams to work as an extension of your business without the additional headache of onboarding, retention, or potential offboarding.